Hunting Wajima

Studio title : Hunting Wajima 2.0

Studio Leader: Ronnie Lacham


The Hunting Wajima Project responds to the brief from CHL to design furniture for manufacture in Timor Leste.


The Hunting Wajima 2.0 studio is a response to the CHL brief involving the design of furniture for manufacturing in Timor Leste. The nomenclature, “Hunting Wajima,” intricately ties into the brief’s core, symbolising the development of timber furniture and cultivating furniture craft skills in the workforce. The allusion to the Hunting Chair by Borg Mogensen establishes a visual link to its values. At the same time, the reference to Wajima connects the project to the craftsmanship principles of the community on the west coast of Japan. Functioning as a simulated design manufacturing factory, this studio demands collaborative efforts from students who work individually and as a team in producing furniture and objects. The studio sets forth two principal learning outcomes: a profound understanding of industrial manufacturing processes with a critical examination and exploration of how designers can introduce interventions to produce a distinct product within the factory manufacturing process. The focal point of this studio is a meticulous exploration of the design process from conceptualisation to production, emphasising rigorous industrial manufacturing processes. Participants are expected to cultivate a unique investigative approach to the design process, manufacturing, and production, an approach rooted in their research and learning. The creative exploration within the studio is structured around peer-review discussions, fostering insights into the ongoing work of fellow participants. The development of ideas through diverse mediums, including drawing, photography, 3D modelling, and prototyping. This studio promises an academically rigorous and hands-on experience, offering a platform for students to engage deeply with the complexities of industrial design, fostering creativity and innovation.